Švicarski beli ovčar
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Swiss white shepherd is not only different than German shepherd in
colour, but it has a different anatomical structure, which retains original structure of working type of shepherds. Original
structure of working type of the shepherd has less problems with a skeleton defects.
Swiss white shepherd has a sensible and softer character than German
shepherd, Whish is a big advantage. In a great way white Swiss shepherd adjusts to it’s owner good or bad situations.
It’s suitable for children, because it’s very playful and patient.
beli ovčar se od nemškega ne razlikuje zgolj po barvi. Ohranja prednosti delovnega tipa ovčarja in se tako
odlikuje po drugačni anatomski zgradbi skeleta, posledica pa je precej manj težav povezanih s skeletom in predvsem
Švicarskega belega ovčarja je čutnejši in nekoliko milejši od karakterja nemškega ovčarja,
kar je po svoje velika prednost. Švicarski beli ovčar se bo znal na čudovit način prilagoditi svojemu
lastniku v dobrih in slabih trenutkih. Primeren je otroke, ker je igriv in zelo potrpežljiv.
Swiss white shepherd achieves a great results at Junior handling
simply because of it’s capability to comply and stamina.
beli ovčar dosega zavidljive rezultate v Junior handlingu preprosto zaradi
svoje sposobnosti prilagajanja in vzdržljivosti.
They are useful as tracking dogs, agility dogs and working dogs of
every kind.
so kot psi za sledenje, ruševinarji, agilitaši in delovni psi na vseh področjih.
He wins experts with his intelligence, movement and diligence, audience,
and specially on the shows with it’s charming beauty.
tekmovanjih zmagujejo zaradi svoje inteligence, gibanja, prizadevnosti, poslušnosti, na razstavah pa zaradi svojega šarma
in lepote.
FCI-Standard N° 347 / 18.12.2002 /
ORIGIN : Switzerland.
UTILIZATION : Family and working companion dog with distinctive
friendly nature to children; attentive watchdog, cheerful and quick to learn.
Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs (except Swiss Cattle Dogs). Section 1 Sheepdogs. Without working trial.
SUMMARY : In USA and Canada white shepherd dogs have gradually become to be accepted as a distinct breed. The first
dogs of this breed were imported into Switzerland in the early 70ies. The American male "Lobo", whelped on 5th March 1966,
can be considered as the progenitor of the breed in Switzerland. The descendants of that male registered with the Swiss Stud
Book (LOS) and other white shepherd dogs imported from USA and Canada, gradually multiplied. There exists now a big number
of white shepherd dogs, pure-bred, over several generations, distributed throughout Europe. For that reason, since June 1991,
these dogs have been registered as a new breed with the appendix of the Swiss Stud Book (LOS).
A powerful, well-muscled, medium-sized, white shepherd dog with erect ears, double coat or long double coat; elongated
shape; medium sized bone and elegant, harmonious outline.
IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS : Moderately long rectangular shape : body length (from
the point of shoulder to point of buttock) to height at withers = 12 : 10. · The distance from the stop to the noseleather
slightly beyond the distance from the stop to the occipital protuberance.
BEHAVIOUR / CHARACTER : Lively, without
nervousness, attentive and watchful; towards strangers sometimes slightly aloof but never apprehensive or aggressive.
: Strong, dry and finely chiselled, in good proportion to the body. Seen from above and from the side wedge-shaped. Axes
of skull and foreface parallel.
CRANIAL REGION : Skull : Only slightly rounded; indicated central furrow. Stop
: Slightly marked, but clearly perceptible.
FACIAL REGION : Nose : Medium-sized; black pigmentation desired; snow nose and lighter
nose accepted. Muzzle : Powerful and moderately long in relation to the skull; nasal bridge and lower line of muzzle straight,
slightly convergent to the nose. Lips : Dry , closing tightly, as black as possible. Jaws/Teeth : Powerful and complete,
scissor bite. The teeth should be set square to the jaw. Eyes : Medium-sized, almond shaped, placed a little obliquely;
colour brown to dark-brown; eye lids well fitting with black eye-rims desirable. Ears : Erect ears, set high, carried
upright, parallel and directed forward; in the shape of an oblong, at the tip slightly rounded triangle.
NECK : Medium-long and well muscled, with harmonious set on at the body, without dewlap;
the elegantly arched neckline runs without disruption from the moderately high carried head to the withers.
Strong, muscular, medium-long. Withers : Pronounced.
Back : Level, firm. Loins : Strongly muscled. Croup
: Long and of medium breadth; from the set on gently sloping to root of tail. Chest : Not too broad; deep (about 50 %
of the height at the withers); reaching to the elbows; ribcage oval; well extending to the rear. Prominent forechest. Belly
and flanks : Flanks slender, firm; underline moderately tucked up. TAIL : Bushy sabre tail, tapering to the tip; set on
rather deep; reaching at least to the hock joint; at rest, it hangs either straight down or with a slight saber-like curve
in its last third part; in movement carried higher, but never above the topline.
LIMBS : Strong, sinewy, medium bone.
FOREQUARTERS : Straight, seen from the front; only moderately broad stance; seen in profile,
well angulated. Shoulder : Shoulder blade long and well laid back; well angulated; whole shoulder strongly muscled. Upper
arm : Adequately long, strong muscles. Elbows : Close fitting. Forearm : Long, straight, sinewy. Pastern : Firm
and only slightly oblique.
HINDQUARTERS : Seen from the rear straight and parallel; standing not too wide; seen
from the side with adequate angulation. Upper thigh : Medium-long, strongly muscled. Lower thigh : Medium-long, oblique,
with solid bone and well muscled. Hock joint : Powerful, well angulated. Hock : Medium-long, straight, sinewy; dewclaws
should be removed, except in countries where their removal is forbidden by law. Feet : Oval, hind feet a little longer
than forefeet; toes tight and well arched; firm black pads; dark nails desired.
GAIT : Rhythmical sequence of steps with even drive and enduring; front legs reaching
out far, with strong thrust; trot ground covering and easy.
SKIN : Without folds and wrinkles; dark pigmentation.
HAIR : Medium length, dense, close-lying double coat or long double coat; abundant undercoat
covered with hard, straight protection hair; face, ears and front of legs are covered with shorter hair; at the neck and the
back of the legs the coat is slightly longer. Slightly wavy, hard hair is permitted.
COLOUR : White.
SIZE AND WEIGHT : Height at withers : Dogs 60 - 66 cm. Bitches 55 - 61 cm. Weight
: Dogs : ca. 30 - 40 kg. Bitches : ca. 25 - 35 kg. Typical dogs with slight under- or oversize should not be eliminated.
FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and
the serious- ness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.
MINOR FAULTS : · Slight deer colour (light yellow or fawny shading) on eartips, back
and upperside of the tail. · Partial loss of pigment of flecked appearance on noseleather, lips and/or eye rims.
SERIOUS FAULTS : · Heavy appearance, too short build (square outline) · Masculinity
or femininity not clearly defined . · Missing more than two PM1; the M3 are not taken into account. · Drop (hanging)
ears, semi-pricked ears, button ears. · Strongly sloping backline. · Ringtail, kinky tail, hook tail, tail carried
over back. · Soft, silky topcoat; woolly, curly, open coat; distinctly long hair without undercoat. · Distinct deer
colour (distinct yellowish or tawny discolouring) on eartips, back and upperside of the tail.
ELIMINATING FAULTS : · Overly shy or aggressive. · One eye or both eyes blue, protruding
eyes. · Entropion, ectropion. · Over-or undershot mouth, wry mouth. · Total loss of pigment on nose, lips and/or
eye rims. · Total loss of pigment in the skin and on the pads. · Albinism.
NB.: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the
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